Security Statement


This document covers security aspects of add-ons created by Big Fig Tree for Atlassian Cloud products which are available now or in the future.
It is important to understand that Atlassian Cloud add-ons are separate web services which are hosted by their vendors. This is a consequence of Atlassian Cloud products architecture. It means that the service and its data are maintained by the vendors. 
Please visit our Privacy Policy document to understand what data is transferred and stored on our servers. 

Data storage

  • We host all data provided by customers on MongoDB Atlas.
  • Our add-ons (running services) use the Amazon AWS platform by Amazon.
  • All data transmission is encrypted with secure sockets layer (SSL) technology.


  • Data backups are created on a daily and weekly basis. 
  • Daily data backups are available for eight subsequent days. 
  • Weekly data backups are triggered on Saturday and stored for eight subsequent weeks. 
  • The backup process is fully automated and managed by MongoDB Atlas

Data protection

The security of your data is extremely important to us.
  • We encrypt all network transmissions using secure sockets layer (SSL) technology.
  • We safeguard our services against web attacks such as SQL injections, XSS or XSRF.
  • We regularly back up your data to help prevent data loss and aid in data recovery.
  • We perform regular peer code reviews and security audits to minimise security risks. 
  • We host data in secure, audited data centres provided by mLab and Amazon, located in the US.
  • We store databases on encrypted drives
We use the Atlassian Connect framework created and maintained by Atlassian to integrate our add-ons with Atlassian Cloud products. This provides an additional layer of security and separates our add-ons from sensitive data stored on the Atlassian side (such as passwords and payment details). 
Overall, we employ all commercially reasonable safeguards (physical, managerial and technical) to preserve the integrity and security of your data, once it is received and stored.
No method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and we cannot ensure or warrant the absolute security of any information you transmit to us or store with our add-ons.

Changes to our Security Statement

If we change our Security Statement, we will post the amendments on this page to keep you up-to-date on what information has changed. Adjustments to this Security Statement are effective from the date they are posted on this page.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding security, please send us an email message to Your security is important to us and we will do our very best to resolve your concerns.